By stating that  social responsibility and voluntarily is a commitments that goes beyond the conventional requirements, F3M raises the level of demand in terms of social development, environmental protection and respect of fundamental rights.

F3M is one of seven Portuguese companies integrating the European Guide on Corporate Social Responsibility and is part of the National Network for Corporate Social Responsibility (RSOPT), an open, multi –functional association, which brings together leading institutions of business and civil society in Portugal.

It is the understanding of the company, rather than sponsoring Social Responsibility actions, F3M should be a promoter for the involvement of all employees, customers, partners, etc.. Involvement is the key and motto in our policy of Social Responsibility.

That's what the company has sought and achieved over the years: mobilizing people inside and outside the company to be better citizens.


 F3M has consolidated recycling process and practices to rationalize energy consumption, of which emphasize the configuration of the computer to save power, turn off the monitor when it is expected to will let idle for more than 15 minutes; installation of economizers in taps I order no to waste water, recycling paper, plastic and processing equipment; profitability of automobile travel, etc...


Currently F3M and its employees support (patronize) 5 children in the Chimpaca village, Mozambique, providing them with the essential conditions that allow their scholarship . Alongside this sponsorship F3M practices an open door policy for schools, institutes and universities understanding that is useful for your students to know F3M and their labor process.


The company performs a set of actions for internal and very specific to a sector which is composed by the children of company employees, making at this level, a bet with greater emphasis in the area of reading. Recognizing that the lack of reading habits is one of the problems that Portugal is facing, the company carries out a set of actions aimed at promoting reading habits continuous, from the old school. The promotion of book fairs, gatherings with writers, presence of storytellers, etc. are actions promoted by F3M. The company also provides its employees with a vast number of agreements with reference entities in various sectors (Health, Education, Sport, Domestic services, etc.).


Volunteer activities, as well as the collection of material goods and food to charities are held throughout the year. This is an area where the involvement of company employees is extremely significant and that, year after year, the company has had a remarkable activity.


F3M promotes awareness campaigns, prevention and screening (anti - smoking , visual , cardiovascular , etc. . ) and conducts in partnership with the Portuguese Institute of Blood, two campaigns per year. These campaigns are carried out for both the public and internal to the area surrounding the headquarters of the company.

F3M is aware of the need to work in harmony, economic, ecological and social, as a way to continue to enhance its development and the development of society. We understand the important role that the company has at this level is due to the strong interaction of all employees: the company creates conditions for such involvement, the company powers that involvement, but nothing could be done without the direct participation of all F3M team.