The eLeader is a financial management software developed for the Ministry of Agriculture (Direção-Geral de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural do Ministério da Agricultura, do Desenvolvimento Rural e das Pescas (DGADR )), and allows to manage the funds allocated by the European Union under the Community program Leader +. The main feature of the project is the fact that is fully centralized, in which the contents are to be integrated and available online.
The application allows partner organizations as well as the unit coordinator and manager of the Community , at any time , quickly access information. The eLeader is thus a 100 percent Web based that guarantees online , managing the European Leader + program , which includes 52 national, disseminated throughout the country. This is a project "one- to-one” , developed according to the needs expressed by DGADR.
With this software , entities overseen by DGADR can still register the entire application process and financial control over the Internet without any time lag exists . Thus, DGADR happens to have all the information compiled for real-time to be sent to the European Union.